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learner autonomy in language teaching and learning

defining learner autonomy

importance of LA

learner autonomy and teacher autonomy

roles of teachers

ways to foster learner autonomy

assumptions about teacher development

what is self-monitoring?

why use self-monitoring?

benefits of self-monitoring

how is selfmonitoring carried out?


relation of motivation to learning and performance

motivation and the vision of learning an L

Theories of motivation

what is motivation

intergrative vs instrumental motivation

intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation

factors affecting motivation

classroom practices that enhance motivation

defining classroom discourse

authenticity in classroom communication

defining teacher talk

features of teacher talk

teachers' modifications


interactional processes

what is effective teaching ?

teachers' beliefs

teachers' beliefs and their effect on teaching practices

beliefs about learners

beliefs about learning

beliefs about themselves

Ce module vise à améliorer les compétences linguistiques et communicatives des étudiants M1 anglais. Sa conception est basée sur un test d'évaluation diagnostique. Le module est divisé en un nombre d'axes. Chaque axe traite d'un thème différent avec des activités variées qui touchent aux quatre compétences: lire, écrire, écouter, parler.