مخطط الموضوع

  • An Introduction to the Didactics of Teaching English for Specific Purposes

    Course Objective

    The main objective of the Didactics of Teaching English for Specific Purposes module is to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and methodologies necessary for effective teaching in specialized contexts. course aims to provide students with both the prerequisites and the fundamental principles essential for effective English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teaching in diverse contexts. Through a combination of theoretical exploration and practical applications, students will develop the expertise required for future successful ESP instruction.

    Course Description

    The course unfolds in two semesters, covering a range of topics from the historical development of ESP to the practical aspects of teaching methodologies. In the first semester, participants explore the historical roots, definitions, and types of ESP, along with language issues such as grammar, vocabulary, and content selection. The second semester delves into the roles of ESP teachers and learners, emphasizing the importance of needs analysis in designing effective ESP instruction. Through theoretical discussions and practical applications, students will acquire the skills necessary for successful ESP teaching in diverse professional and academic settings.

    Course Prerequisites:

    The overarching goal of this module    is to equip students with the prequisites for effective ESP instruction in diverse professional and academic settings over the two semesters of the course. Therefore, students are required to have a strong foundational knowledge in general English teaching principles, a basic understanding of linguistics and familiarity with language acquisition theories.    .

    Module Overview:

    Semester One:

    Section I - General Overview:

    1. Brief History and Origins of ESP:

    * Tracing the historical development of English for Specific Purposes

    * Exploring the roots and evolution of ESP in language education.

    2. Definitions of ESP

    * Analyzing various definitions and conceptualizations of English for Specific Purposes.

    3. Types of ESP

    * Identifying the different types of ESP .

    4. Difference between ESP and EGP

    *Differentiating between English for Specific Purposes and English for General Purposes.

    Section II - Language Issues in ESP:

    5. Grammar in ESP

    * Examining the role of grammar in ESP instruction.

    6. Vocabulary in ESP:

    * Exploring the different types of vocabulary and the required type of    vocabulary the ESP teacher should teach.

    7. Types of Content in ESP

    a. Carrier Content:

    b. Real Content:

    Semester Two:

    8. The ESP Teacher / ESP Learner:

    *The Role of the ESP Teacher:

    *Defining the responsibilities and challenges faced by ESP teachers.

    9. Who Should Teach ESP?

    * Discussing qualifications and characteristics of effective ESP teachers.

    10. The ESP Learner

    * Exploring the unique characteristics and needs of learners in ESP contexts.

    Needs Analysis in ESP

    * Defining the concept of needs analysis.

    * The significance of conducting needs analysis in ESP instruction.

    * Instruments for Needs Analysis

    List of References

    Hutchinson, T., & Waters, A. (1987). English for Specific Purposes: A Learning-Centered Approach. Cambridge University Press.

    Dudley-Evans, T., & St John, M. J. (1998). Developments in English for Specific Purposes: A Multi-disciplinary Approach. Cambridge University Press.

    Robinson, P. (1991). ESP Today: A Practitioner’s Guide. Prentice Hall.

    Belcher, D. (2006). English for Specific Purposes: Teaching to Perceived Needs and Imagined Futures in Worlds of Work, Study, and Everyday Life. TESOL Quarterly, 40(1), 133-156.

    Flowerdew, J. (2005). The Needs Analysis of Foreign Postgraduate Students in Computing: Implications for ESP Course Design. English for Specific Purposes, 24(1), 41-62.

    Swales, J. (1990). Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge University Press.

    Davies, A., & Elder, C. (2004). The Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Blackwell.

    Hyland, K. (2006). English for Academic Purposes: An Advanced Resource Book. Routledge.

    Basturkmen, H. (2010). Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes. Palgrave Macmillan.

    Dudley-Evans, T., & Johns, A. M. (1991). English for Specific Purposes: International in Scope, Specific in Purpose. TESOL Quarterly, 25(2), 297-314.

    Jordan, R. R. (1997). English for Academic Purposes: A Guide and Resource Book for Teachers. Cambridge University Press.

    Paltridge, B., & Starfield, S. (2013). The Handbook of English for Specific Purposes. Wiley-Blackwell.

    • Lecture 1 Brief history+ Origins

    • Lecture 2 Definitions of ESP

    • Lecture 3 Types of ESP pdf

    • Lecture 4 ESP and GE

    • Lecture 5 Grammar in ESP