Curricula cross values

Lecture 2 : Curricula cross values

Curricula cross values refer to the incorporation of values education across various academic disciplines in the curriculum. It is an approach that recognizes the importance of teaching values as an integral part of the learning process. This essay will explore the concept of curricula cross values and its implications for education, drawing upon relevant literature and research.

Values education is the process of imparting ethical and moral values to learners, with the aim of promoting personal and social development (Lovat, Clement, Dally, & Toomey, 2011). It is based on the premise that education should not only be about acquiring knowledge and skills but also about developing character and values. Curricula cross values, therefore, is an approach that seeks to integrate values education across various academic disciplines in the curriculum.

The integration of values education across various academic disciplines is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps learners to see the relevance and interconnectedness of various subjects in the curriculum. By incorporating values education into different subjects, learners can develop a deeper understanding of the implications of their learning for their own lives and for society as a whole. This approach can help learners to develop critical thinking skills and a sense of social responsibility.

Secondly, curricula cross values can help to promote the development of positive attitudes and behaviours among learners. Values education can help learners to develop a sense of empathy, respect, and tolerance for others, which can contribute to the creation of a more harmonious and inclusive society (Nucci & Narvaez, 2008). By incorporating values education into different subjects, learners can develop a holistic understanding of the values that underpin different disciplines, and how they can be applied in real-life situations.


Finally, curricula cross values can help to promote the development of a values-based educational culture. By incorporating values education across various disciplines, schools can create a shared understanding of the values that underpin their educational mission. This can help to create a sense of community and shared purpose among educators and learners, and foster a culture of mutual respect, trust, and cooperation.

In conclusion, curricula cross values is an approach to education that recognizes the importance of integrating values education across various academic disciplines in the curriculum. By doing so, it can help learners to develop a deeper understanding of the relevance and interconnectedness of different subjects, promote the development of positive attitudes and behaviours, and foster a values-based educational culture. This approach has significant implications for education, as it can help to promote the development of learners who are not only knowledgeable and skilled but also ethical and responsible.




Lovat, T., Clement, N., Dally, K., & Toomey, R. (2011). International research handbook on values education and student wellbeing. Springer.


Nucci, L. P., & Narvaez, D. (2008). Handbook of moral and character education. Routledge.

آخر تعديل: Wednesday, 8 March 2023, 11:07 PM