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English terminology for public law master 2 students .pr. dr AissaTaibi
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Année universitaire 2022-2023 [S1]
Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Politiques (FDSP)
Département de droit
Master 2
Semestre 3
E.T P L M 2 S
Section 8
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◄ parliamentary law
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common article three
English legal terms .BY pr. AissaTaibi
the most impotant legal terms
Building a meaningful sentence
Legal terminology . with pronunciation.
Extention of some legal definitions
parliamentary law
Explanation with voice
Explanation with voice 2
can you hear me and have you understood the explanation ?
The most famous legal terms 2
The most famous legal terms 3
Definition of a constitution
civil liberties
international law
supplement 2
public international law
public international law video
international criminal court
criminal law definition and principles
Explanation with voice ►