How To Pronounce the
final –ed & -s
Phonetics S2
English lecture S2 #2
By Chaouli Mohamed
For 1st year ST students
Djelfa University –2020/2021
Part 1
How To Pronounce the
final –ed
By Chaouli Mohamed
For 1st year ST students
Djelfa University –2020/2021
1. How To Pronounce the final –ed
The combination -ed appears at the end of:
-regular verbs in the past tense (e.g. wanted, helped, lived)
-sometimes in adjectives (e.g. tired, embarrassed, relaxed)
-as well as in some Past Participles.
However the pronunciation of -ed sometimes causes problems for non-native
speakers because it can be pronounced in three different ways: as / id /, as / t / or
as / d /
(Note: whenever you see letters or symbols between two slash marks (/ /), it
refers to the pronunciation of that letter or sound)
Before we learn the difference ways to pronounce -ed , we must first know what
voiced and voiceless consonants are. 3
2. Voiced Consonants vs. Voiceless Consonants
A voiced consonant
(or sound) means that it uses the vocal cords and they produce a vibration or
humming sound in the throat when they are pronounced. Put your finger on your
throat and then pronounce the letter L. You will notice a slight vibration in your
neck / throat. That is because it is a voiced sound.
A voiceless consonant
(sometimes called an unvoiced sound) is when there is no vibration in your throat
and the sound comes from the mouth area. Pronounce the letter P. You will
notice how it comes from your mouth (in fact near your lips at the front of your
mouth). The Psound doesn't come from your throat.
Now we know the difference between voiced and voiceless
sounds we can look at the following rules for the correct
pronunciation of -ed in English in 3 ways:
1. The /id/ sound
If the last letter of the word is spelled with Dor T, the -ed is
pronounced as a separate syllable with an /id/ sound (it
rhymes with kid and lid).
•wanted (sounds like "want-id")
2. The /t/ sound
If the last consonant of the word is voiceless, then the -ed is pronounced as aT.
Be careful not to create an extra syllable or "id" sound.
•talked (sounds like "talkt")
•missed (the Ssound comes from the front of mouth so it would sound like
Note:As an example, with the word "helped", if you say "help-id" as a two syllable
word, then it is very likely that people will NOT understand the word or what you
are saying. (It is pronounced like "helpt")
3. The /d/ sound
If the last letter of the words ends in avoiced consonant (or
sound), then the -ed is pronounced like a D(without creating
another syllable)
•played (sounds like "playd")
•closed (the S sounds like a vibrating Zso the word would sound
like "clozd")
An easy way to remember how to pronounce -ed words
The most important thing to remember is that there are
two main divisions:
1. The words that end in Tor D
•the -ed is pronounced as a syllable /id/
2. and the REST of the words
•you can pronounce the -ed as /t/ and people will understand.
In time you will learn when to pronounce the -ed as /t/
or /d/.
Summary Chart
Part 2
How To Pronounce the
final -s
By Chaouli Mohamed
For 1st year ST students
Djelfa University –2020/2021
1. How To Pronounce the final –s
The pronunciation of Sat the end of plural nouns, verbs in third person and
as a part of the possessive case sometimes causes problems for non-native
speakers because it can be pronounced in three different ways: / ɪz /, / s /
or / z /.
The pronunciation depends on the last sound of the verb or noun which is
usually a consonant. Before we learn the difference ways to pronounce the
final S, we must first know what voiced and voiceless consonants are as
well as sibilant sounds
2. Sibilant Sounds
Another sound which is relevant to this is the sibilant sound which is
produced by forcing air out toward your teeth. It is characterized by a
hissing sound (sssss), abuzzing sound (zzzzz)or the sound teachers make
when they want you to be quiet (shhhh!).
•Z like the sound a bee makes... zzzzzz
•S like the sound a snake makes... sssssss
•SH like the sound a teacher makes when they want you to be quiet... shhhhh
Now we know the difference between voiced, voiceless and sibilant sounds
we can look at the following rules for the correct pronunciation of Sat the
end of words in English:
3. The pronunciation of the Sat the end of words in English
The pronunciation of the final S in plural words and verbs in the
third person depend on the final consonant sound before that S.
The ending is pronounced /s/ after a voiceless sound, it is
pronounced /z/ after a voiced sound and is pronounced /ɪz /or
/əz/ after a sibilant sound:
•Voiceless: helps /ps/-- sits /ts/ -- looks /ks/
•Voiced: crabs /bz/-- words /dz/-- gloves /vz/,
•Sibilant: buses /sɪz /or /səz /, bridges /dʒɪz /or /dʒəz /, wishes /shɪz /
or /shəz /
Rule #1. The /ɪz/ sound (or /əz/ sound)
Sometimes this sound is written as /əz/ and uses the symbol "schwa" or "upside down e" before
the z. For ease we will write this sound as /ɪz/or /iz/
If the last consonant sound of the word is asibilant sound (a hissing or buzzing sound), the final S
is pronounced as /ɪz/. This /ɪz/ sound is pronounced like an extra syllable. (e.g. the word buses
has two syllables)
If the sound has a J sound (/dÊ’/ like the letter J at the beginning of the word jacket or /Ê’/ like the
Sin pleasure), then the final S is also pronounced as /ɪz/.
Examples of words ending in the /ɪz/ sound:
C: races (sounds like "race-iz") S: pauses, nurses, buses, rises
X: fixes, boxes, hoaxes Z: amazes, freezes, prizes, quizzes
SS: misses, passes, bosses CH: sandwiches, teaches
SH: dishes, wishes, pushes, crashes GE: garages, changes, ages, judges
Remember: after verbs ending in -sh, -ch, -ss and -x, we add the -es to the end of the verb (in
third person) and the pronunciation is /iz/as an extra syllable.
Rule #2. The /s/ sound
If the last consonant of the word is voiceless, then the Sis
pronounced as /s/. Be careful not to create an extra syllable.
Note: The consonants c, s, sh,ch and xare voiceless though they use
the sibilants ending seen above.
Examples of words ending in the /s/ sound:
P: cups, stops, sleeps
T: hats, students, hits, writes
K: books, drinks, walks
F: cliffs, sniffs, beliefs, laughs, graphs (the -gh and -ph here are pronounced like a F)
TH: myths, tablecloths, months (voiceless th)
Rule #3. The /z/ sound
If the last letter of the words ends in a voiced consonant (or sound), then the S is
pronounced like a Z/z/(without creating another syllable). This Z sound is similar
to the sound a bee makes zzzz.
We also use this ending when the word ends in a vowel sound (e.g. bees, flies
Examples of words ending in the /z/ sound:
B: crabs, rubs D: cards, words, rides, ends
G: rugs, bags, begs L: deals, calls, falls, hills
M: plums, dreams N: fans, drains, runs, pens
NG: kings, belongs, sings R: wears, cures
V: gloves, wives, shelves, drives Y: plays, boys, says,
THE: clothes, bathes, breathes VOWEL SOUNDS: sees, fleas
Summary Chart
Thank you