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Module: Langue étrangère   

Major :Monetary and Banking Economics. 6th Semester

Course creator: KASSEM WADIA


The objectives of teaching a business English language are reflected, first, in developing oral and written language skills in a business context: of reading, listening, speech, writing and, second, in raising a consciousness of cultural differences in the language in various business cultures.

The purpose of business English courses is to teach students to utilize terminology applicable to technical and business writing; develop proof reading and editing skills; and write effective sentences and paragraphs for business applications.

المقياس : لغة أجنبية

الفئة المستهدفة : السنة الثالثة

تخصص : اقتصاد نقدي و بنكي

السداسي : السادس

وحدة التعليم:  الافقية

الرصيد : 1

المعامل : 1

أستاذ المقياس: قاسم . و

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