Topic outline

  • Contact Card

    Faculty: Faculty of Economic Sciences, Commerce, and Management Sciences

    Department: Management Sciences

    Specialization: First-year Master's degree in Human Resource Management

    Course name:  English

    Academic year: 2022-2023

    Lesson type:  Directed work

    Responsible Course Professor: Dr. Bennoussa Mohammed

    Semester: Second

    Teaching Unit: Horizontal unit

    To contact the professor:

    Credit hours: 1 hour and 30 minutes per week

    Duration: 12-15 weeks

    Evaluation method:

    Continuous assessment + final exam.


    • General Objectives

      Controlling the most common English terms for human resources.

      Ability to translate text in topics related to human resources.

      • Previous Acquaintances

        The student should have a minimum acceptable level in English language.

        • This topic
        • Contents

          1. Human Resource Planning.
          2. Recruitment and Selection (Staffing).
          3. Training and Development.
          4. Performance Appraisal.
          5. Career Planning & career development.
          6. Compensation.
          • Human Resource Planning

            Human Resource Planning, also known as workforce planning, is a critical process that involves forecasting an organization's future staffing needs and developing strategies to meet those needs. This process ensures that an organization has the right people in the right positions at the right time, which is essential for achieving its goals and objectives.

            Effective human resource planning involves analyzing current and future business needs, identifying skills gaps within the organization, and developing plans to address those gaps. It also involves identifying potential risks and developing contingency plans to mitigate them.

            In today's rapidly changing business environment, human resource planning is more important than ever. Organizations must be able to adapt quickly to new market conditions and technological advancements, and having the right workforce in place is crucial for success.

            Through effective human resource planning, organizations can ensure that they have the talent and resources they need to remain competitive and achieve their goals.

            The six parts of the HRM plan include the following:

            Determine human resource needs. This part is heavily involved with the strategic plan. What growth or decline is expected in the organization? How will this impact your workforce? What is the economic situation? What are your forecasted sales for next year?
            Determine recruiting strategy. Once you have a plan in place, it’s necessary to write down a strategy addressing how you will recruit the right people at the right time.
            Select employees. The selection process consists of the interviewing and hiring process.
            Develop training. Based on the strategic plan, what training needs are arising? Is there new software that everyone must learn? Are there problems in handling conflict? Whatever the training topics are, the HR manager should address plans to offer training in the HRM plan.
            Determine compensation. In this aspect of the HRM plan, the manager must determine pay scales and other compensation such as health care, bonuses, and other perks.
            Appraise performance. Sets of standards need to be developed so you know how to rate the performance of your employees and continue with their development.
            Each chapter of this text addresses one area of the HR plan, but the next sections provide some basic knowledge of planning for each area.

          • Recruitment and Selection (Staffing)

            Recruitment and selection, also known as staffing, is a critical process that involves attracting and hiring qualified candidates to fill open positions within an organization. This process is essential for ensuring that an organization has the right people in the right positions to achieve its goals and objectives.

            Effective recruitment and selection involves identifying job requirements, creating job descriptions, and developing recruitment strategies to attract qualified candidates. It also involves screening and selecting candidates based on their skills, experience, and fit with the organizational culture.

            In today's highly competitive business environment, recruitment and selection have become even more important. Organizations must be able to attract and retain top talent to remain competitive and achieve success.

            Through effective recruitment and selection practices, organizations can ensure that they hire the best candidates for open positions. This not only helps to improve the performance and productivity of the organization but also leads to higher employee satisfaction and retention rates.

            Recruitment is the  process of inviting qualified applicants by way of issuing notification in the newspapers, television media, online and on social networking media so as to fill up job vacancies. Recruitment of employees is administered by two major sources, which are recruitment of employees through internal sources and recruitment of employees through external sources. Internal recruitment is the process of inviting or giving chance to people relating to concern organisation or giving chance to the existing employees.

            After the recruitment, employee selection process begins for identifying right person by using written test on relevant subjects, oral tests, group discussions, gamifications, final job interview and background verification for checking the genuinity and credentials of the candidates for filling up of the job which is lying vacant in an


            Ways of internal recruitment

            1. fill up the vacancies by way of transferring an employee to the place where job is lying vacant.

            2. Giving promotion to the vacant position

            3. HR hiring Managers Seek for employee referrals from existing employees generally to fill up key posts or to the post which deal with confidential information and to the sensitive positions with a view not to take any risk by handling such positions to unknown persons,

            4. Some organisations offer compassionate appointments to the family members of retired employee, deceased employee or total permanently disabled employee as a result of an accident for filling up of vacancies arising out of the said cause. Even governmental organisations offer compassionate appointments to fill up vacancies especially at low level or low grade positions so as to support the affected family members and affected employee. 

            Ways of external recruitment

            1. Internet or online recruitment
            2. If organisation needs well experienced and competent or talented candidate to fill up key vacancy, in such case HR hiring managers will look at competitor organisations to find and to attract  such candidate.
            3. Employment agencies are the oldest source for finding large number of job applicants as they get enrolled or get registered for employment opportunities.
            4. Campus or college recruitment  is one of the sources of external recruitment from which freshers and talented pool with attitude of learning new skills and knowledge relating to emerging technologies are available.
            5. Executive search firms or consultancies
            6. Unsolicited candidates  job seekers they themselves are desperately approaching companies for finding job openings
          • Training and Development

            Training and development is a critical process that involves equipping employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need to perform their jobs effectively. This process is essential for improving employee performance, enhancing organizational productivity, and achieving business objectives.

            Effective training and development involves identifying employee training needs, creating training programs, and delivering training in a way that is engaging and effective. It also involves evaluating the effectiveness of training programs and making adjustments as needed to ensure that they continue to meet business needs.

            In today's rapidly changing business environment, training and development have become even more important. Organizations must be able to adapt quickly to new technologies, market conditions, and business practices, and having a highly skilled workforce is crucial for success.

            Through effective training and development programs, organizations can improve employee performance and productivity, increase job satisfaction and retention rates, and maintain a competitive edge in their industry.

            Training and Development is a structured program with different methods designed by professionals in particular job. It has become most common and continuous task in any organisation for updating skills and knowledge of employees in accordance with changing environment. Optimisation of cost with available resources has become pressing need for every organisation which will be possible only by way of improving efficiency and productivity of employees, possible only by way of providing proper employee training and development conditioned to that it should be provided by professionals.

            What is the difference between training and development?

            Training is the process of improving and polishing the required Skills to an employee in order to make him/her skilled and perfectionist in the job which he / she does. Training is purely job focused but development is psychology and soft skills oriented.

            Previously many authors have defined the difference between training and development, but still there is little confusion in understanding the difference. In fact many organisations are using term "training and development" as one and same. Mostly we hear the term "training" for the purpose of the inducing skills and knowledge among employees. Both training and development are continuous and core tasks of organisation, but employee training will be for the particular job to develop skills in concern particular job for a particular period and will be given periodically whenever updating of skills needed for performing particular job and moreover training is meant for the purpose of development of technicality among employees. Training is mainly provided for making employee aware on how to handle particular job, technology or equipment for doing particular task or function in the organisation. ultimately training of employees will be by way of teaching by the professional in particular job which involves technicality to develop skill.

            In many and large organisations even in governmental organisations financial budgeting provides a separate budget for the purpose of employee training as a key overhead which has been not ignored ever. Because employee training is very expensive, especially if we take information technology companies spends large amounts for providing training to their employees and frequency of training is high because change of technology is not constant and updated continuously. Therefore to make aware of new technology and update their skills in accordance with new technology, training of employees is more frequent as that of other industries.

            Coming to employee development we don't hear or see as that of employee training program in the organisation. Employee development is psychological oriented mainly provided for people who deals with managerial tasks.

          • Performance Appraisal

            Performance appraisal, also known as performance evaluation or review, is a critical process that involves assessing an employee's job performance and providing feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement. This process is essential for improving employee performance, enhancing organizational productivity, and achieving business objectives.

            Effective performance appraisal involves setting clear expectations and goals, evaluating employee performance against those standards, and providing feedback on areas where improvements can be made. It also involves developing action plans to address any performance issues and tracking progress over time.

            In today's highly competitive business environment, performance appraisal has become even more important. Organizations must be able to identify and develop top talent to remain competitive and achieve success.

            Through effective performance appraisal practices, organizations can improve employee performance and productivity, increase job satisfaction and retention rates, and align individual performance with organizational goals and objectives.

            Performance appraisal function monitors employee performance to ensure that it is at acceptable levels. Human resource mangers are usually responsible for developing and administering performance appraisal systems, although the actual appraisal of employee performance is the responsibility of supervisors and managers. Besides providing a basis for pay, promotion, and disciplinary action, performance appraisal information is essential for employee development since knowledge of results (feedback) is necessary to motivate and guide performance improvements.

            In order to assess the performance of employees, HR managers have to establish performance standards, communicating established performance standards to their employees, measuring the actual performance of employees by using various methods of performance appraisal and finally comparing actual performance of employees with the established performance standards so as to identify the gaps in the performance of employees. It gives a clear picture of employees performance status thereby HR manager will develop a plan for filling up of gaps in performance of employees by way of providing suitable and focused training for improving the skills in employees.

            When it comes to period of conducting performance appraisal of employees, it all varies from organisation to organisation, it could be annually, half yearly, quarterly, monthly and some organisations conduct performance appraisal on regular basis mostly with the support of human resource information systems.

            What are the methods of performance appraisal of employees? 

            There are various methods of performance appraisal of employees classified as modern methods and traditional methods. It all depends on the nature and type of the organisation decides what method of performance appraisal system is adopted and some methods of performance appraisal of employees may not be suitable for some sort of organisation.

            One of the most used traditional method of performance appraisal system is confidential report writing which is especially administered in the formal of organisations and governmental institutions like judiciary in order to prepare a report on performance of its employees by their superiors for submitting to the controlling authority which will take corrective actions and measures on under-performing employees and rewarding best performance.

          • Career Planning & career development

            Career planning and development are crucial aspects of achieving professional success. They involve the process of setting career goals, developing skills, exploring career opportunities, and making strategic decisions to advance in one's chosen field. Effective career planning and development require careful consideration of personal interests, strengths, values, and goals, as well as an understanding of current and future job market trends. By investing time, effort, and resources into these processes, individuals can increase their chances of achieving fulfilling careers and realizing their full potential. In this lesson, we will explore various strategies for successful career planning and development, including self-assessment, goal-setting, networking, and continuous learning.

            The Concept and idea for Career planning has been developed partly as a result of the desire of many employees to grow in their jobs and to advance in their career. Career planning activities include assessing an individual employee’s potential for growth and advancement in the organisation. Career planning is the process of establishing personal career objectives by employees and acting in a manner intended to fulfill their career objectives. HR managers should help employees in knowing their strengths and core competence for placing them in suitable job, guide employees what skills and knowledge should be acquired for attaining higher positions, planning for suitable training in order to polish employees existing skill set and providing good work-life-balance to make right balance between career and personal life,  after all, every one work for their personal and happy life. 

            Career development is a perennial HR function which is to identify the individual needs, abilities, goals, organization’s job demands, job rewards and then matching their abilities with job demands and rewards through well designed career development program. From the employees point of view, career development is the lifelong process of  learning, updating skills and knowledge to match current and future job requirements  and to be prepared to occupy higher job positions in an organisation.

            Career development does not guarantee success  but without it, employees would not be ready for a job when the opportunity arises. HR managers should motivate their employees by way of giving suitable opportunities  to grow in their career that could be by promotions to higher positions according to their skills and knowledge and should also give opportunities to employees to learn new skills in the job to grow  in their career  and guide employees in right career path

          • Compensation

            Compensation is a crucial component of any employment relationship, as it refers to the total package of rewards received by an employee for their work. This can include salary or wages, benefits, incentives, and other forms of compensation. The purpose of compensation is to attract, retain, and motivate employees, as well as to align their interests with those of the organization. Effective compensation strategies require a comprehensive understanding of market trends, job requirements, organizational goals, and legal frameworks. In this lesson, we will explore various aspects of compensation, including different types of compensation, factors that influence compensation decisions, methods for determining fair compensation, and the role of compensation in overall employee satisfaction and performance. By understanding the complexities of compensation, employers can design effective compensation systems that support their business objectives while also ensuring fair treatment of employees.

            Alternative names for compensation are payment, salary, wage or remuneration. But grammatically there is difference between those nomenclature like compensation nomenclature is used for payment of amount in case of accident or death of an employee during the course of employment and such employee should not be under the influence of alcohol at the time of accident or death. Remuneration and salary can be used interchangeably when period of payment is monthly to an employee, whereas wage nomenclature is used when period of payment is daily to an employee.
            Payment of compensation or remuneration is the fundamental duty of an employer, failure to fulfil his or her duty shall be liable for penal action in the court of law and will be interpreted as exploitation of workers and shall be viewed seriously by the court of law. Similarly payment of compensation or remuneration is the right of an employee for the work done and deprived employee can seek for justice in the court of law. There are employment and labour laws for every country which govern the payment of compensation and remuneration for workers, procedure and methods for payment of compensation in case of accidents and deaths.

            According to principles of natural justice, and employer shall pay fair wages or equal pay for equal work which is constituted as fundamental right to an employee.

          • References

            2. Human Resource Management. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition, 2016.