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Cambridge International Corpus
In writing this book, extensive usc has been made ot business-related material from the Cambridge International Corpus: business articles from the British and American press.
The corpus has provided valuable information on the typical patterns of business English usage, and this has been used in compiling the language presentation matcrial and in many of the exercises.
The Cambridge International Corpus is a vast database of over 700 million words of real English taken from books, newspapers, advertising, letters and emails, websites, conversations and speeches, radio and television.
  • The Corpus helps us to ger a representative picture of how English is used, both in writing and in speech
  • It is constantly being updated so we arc able to include new words in our books as soon as they appear.
  • It contains both British and American English, which means we can analyse the differences and produce accurate materials based on either varicty of English.
  • It is "real" English so we can ensure that examples in our books are natural and realistic.
Cambridge Business Corpus
The Cambridge Business Corpus, which is part of the Cambridge International Corpus, contains business articles from the British and American press. business books, financial and legal documents, company reports. professional and commercial texts, government reports and product descriptions.
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