خيارات التسجيل

In this course, our main objectives are to teach students the fundamentals of programming through user-friendly software tools like Matlab, Scilab, and Mapple. These skills will be a valuable asset for their exploration of numerical methods during practical sessions.

 Throughout the academic year, we will cover various topics:

 TP 1: Introduction to a Scientific Programming Environment, focusing on Matlab.

TP 2: Script Files, Data, and Variable Types.

TP 3: Data Input, Display, and Saving Techniques.

TP 4: Understanding Vectors and Matrices.

TP 5: Control Instructions, including For, While, and If Statements.

TP 6: Exploring Function Files and their applications.

TP 7: Graphics - Managing graphical windows and creating plots.

TP 8: Utilizing Toolbox features for advanced tasks.

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