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English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has been around since mid 1960s as a branch of English Language Teaching (ELT) within the broader field of applied linguistics. It has been developing ever since its emergence, and has been gradually gaining researchers’ interest. From this standpoint, this handout aims to introduce tertiary-level students to this new area of research; by equipping them with the basic theoretical knowledge, which would allow them to take further steps in the future (e.g. teach ESP courses).

This handout presents part I of the ESP course corresponding to the master’s level; it summarizes part of our class discussions. It bears the title: emergence and development of English for Specific Purposes. It is, as mentioned above, a combination of early and more recent research work; hence, it is mainly based on three key readings; Hutchison & Waters’ 1987 English for Specific Purposes: a learning-centred-approach, Alousque’s 2016 article Developments in ESP: from register analysis to genre-based and CLIL-based approach, and Liu & Hu’s 2020 article Mapping the field of English for specific purposes (1980 – 2018): A co-citation analysis. Another part (part II), shall be soon prepared and made available.

This part is only one click away; it is accessible through the University e-learning platform, by clicking on the link below:


It is also available on the official Facebook page of the department of foreign languages.

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