Topic outline

  • Language Approaches and Teaching Methods

    Course Objective:

    The overarching goal of the Language Approaches and Teaching Methods module is to provide an understanding of various language teaching approaches, methods, and techniques. Students will explore the theoretical foundations behind different methodologies and gain practical insights into their application. By the end of the semester, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about selecting and implementing language teaching methods in diverse educational settings.

    Course Description:

    This module delves into the diverse landscape of language teaching, offering a critical examination of different approaches and methods employed in language education. The course blends theoretical concepts with practical applications, encouraging students to analyze, compare, and evaluate the strengths and limitations of various methodologies. Lectures, discussions, and practical exercises aim to foster a deep understanding of language teaching paradigms, enabling students to develop a nuanced and adaptable approach to language instruction.

    Course Prerequisites:

    This course assumes a solid foundation in linguistics, language acquisition, and education theory. Proficiency in the language of instruction is essential, as the course involves in-depth analysis and discussion of    pedagogical concepts that will aid in fully grasping the content covered throughout the module

    Module Lecture Overview:

    Lecture 1: Understanding Approaches, Methods, and Techniques

    *Distinguishing between approaches, methods, and techniques.

    * Establishing a theoretical foundation for advanced discussions.

    Lecture 2: The Grammar Translation Method

    *Overview of the Grammar Translation Method

    * Examining the    principles and Activties of the method

    * Discuss the advantages and drawbacks of the Grammar Translation Method

    Lecture 3: The Direct Method

    * Overview of the Direct Method.

    * Examining the    principles and Activties of the method

    * Evaluating the advantages and drawbacks of the Direct Method Lecture 4: Innovations in the Audiolingual Method

    Lecture 4: The Audio Lingual Method

    * Overview of the Audiolingual Method.

    * Examining the    principles and Activties of the method

    * Assessing the advantages and drawbacks of the Audiolingual Method

    Lecture 5: The Silent Way

    * An overview of the Silent Way.

    * Examining the    principles and Activties of the method

    * Discussing advantages and drawbacks of the Silent Way.

    Lecture 6: Suggestopedia

    * An overview of the Suggestopedia

    * Examining the    principles and Activties of the method

    * Evaluating the advantages and drawbacks of Suggestopedia.

    Lecture 7: Total Physical Response

    .* An overview of the Suggestopedia

    * Examining the    principles and Activties of the method

    * Assessing    the advantages and drawbacks of Total Physical Response.

    Lecture 8: The Communicative Language Teaching Method

    .* An overview of the Suggestopedia

    * Examining the    principles and Activties of the method

    * Discussing the advantages and drawbacks of Communicative Language Teaching.

    List of References

    Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Language Teaching Approaches and Methods. Cambridge University Press.

    Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford University Press.

    Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.

    Nunan, D. (2004). Task-Based Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.

    Nunan, D. (1999). Second Language Teaching and Learning. Heinle & Heinle.

    Brown, H. D. (2007). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Pearson Education.

    Richards, J. C., & Renandya, W. A. (Eds.). (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge University Press.

    Brandl, K. (2008). Communicative Language Teaching in Action: Putting Principles to Work. Prentice Hall.

    • Lecture 1 Language Approaches&Methods -

    • Lecture 2 Grammar Translatrion Method

    • Lecture 3 Direct Method

    • Lecture 4 Audio Lingual Method

    • Lecture 5 Silent Way

    • Lecture 6 Suggestopedia

    • Lecture 7 Total Physical Resopnse

    • Lecture 8 Communicative Approaches