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English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has been around since the sixties. Its emergence was due mainly to the revolutionary changes that the world witnessed after the end of the second World War. 

                 This course aims at equipping 3rd year English language students with the suitable knowledge so that they become able of explaining what ESP is about, explaining some of its main concepts and use an ESP course design to transmit relevant knowledge.

                This course contains two chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to ESP; it deals with its definition, emergence, branches, characteristics and main differences with English for General Purposes (EGP). The second chapter tries to throw light on an ESP course by investing in a Business English course called "Marekt Leader". In this chapter, light will be shed on the importance of Business English in today's world. Then, it will try to introduce Market Leader course by discussing its components and overview of a typical course unit.  

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