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For every profession in human society, there are ethical principles that must be considered and adhered to by individuals working in those professions. The ethics of the teaching and scientific research profession are among the most influential factors in the behavior of professors and researchers, as they serve as an internal self-monitoring mechanism. These ethics provide them with a self-referential framework to guide their work, evaluate their relationships with others, fulfill their duties, and uphold their rights. It is necessary and obligatory for them to adhere to these ethics, as their commitment to the profession is determined by their adherence to its rules and ethics. By doing so, they become role models to be emulated by their students.

Given the significant role played by university professors in education and scientific research, it is essential for them to abide by the codes of conduct and professional ethics of their profession. These lectures aim to clarify the codes of conduct and ethics of the university teaching and scientific research profession, as well as the governing sources that serve as a reference for interaction among the members of the academic community. The goal is to develop a positive relationship and effective collective work, while raising awareness among professors about their responsibilities and rights.

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